How often do you let other people change your mood?

Do you let the driver bemo frivolous, servant of coarse, bunch of emotions, or work colleagues who do have a certain --- the heart? Except what your robot is, perhaps without realizing you often reply to curse / rebuke them.

"However, typical of the success is how quickly he can return her focus on what is important."

Six years ago, I learned this lesson.
I learned on the back of the taxi from New York. This happens. I jump into a taxi, and we depart from Grand Central Station. We drive on the right path, But all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of the parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver directly menghentak brakes to stop suddenly, slipped a little bit and almost hit / hit by another car (live only a few inch). Ukhh ...

Driving the other car (before the accident that almost caused big) head out from the car and started shouting abusive words at us. My taxi driver just smiled and wave (with a slowly) to the line. I think, supirku this people-friendly. So, I said, "Why did you do that? The earlier damage almost mobilmu and woe, and we almost enter hospital because of him!" And this is a taxi driver told me (see below) --- which I then used as the "Law of The Garbage Truck." ( "Trucks Waste Law")

Many people like garbage trucks. They run with full garbage, full of frustrating, full of anger, and full of disappointment. And when the trash-heap garbage they start, they need a place to remove them. And if you let them, they will dump garbage in-garbage to you. If someone want to throw garbage on you, not captured the hearts (not stored in the liver). You only need to smile, wave, and hope they recover quickly (improved), and you continue your work. Your heart will be happy to do so after.

So as this: "The Law of Garbage Truck" ( "Trash Trucks Law"). I started thinking, how often I leave the "Trash Trucks" affect me? And how often I take their garbage and spread it to other people in the workplace / house / street? I also promised, "I will not do it again." I began to see the "garbage truck".

As in the movie "The Sixth Sense," page a small child said, "I see Dead People." Well, now "I see Garbage Trucks." I see they are carrying the burden. I see them come to menumpahkannya. Taxi drivers and the like before, I will not enter to the heart (I do not make it a personal thing), I will just smile, wave, hoping they can recover quickly (improved), and I still continue working.

One of the favorite football players (Walter Payton) to do this every day on the football field. He will jump up as soon as he was urged to go after the land / tackled. He never remain silent in the land to be stricken by the others. Payton was ready to do their best for the next action.

A good leader - know they must be ready for the next meeting .. .
All parents know that they should welcome the children (who will return home schools) with a hug and kiss. Leaders and parents know that they must actually be present, and at the best for the people they care about.

People who work, never leave the "Trash Trucks" took over them. What about you? What will happen in your life, starting today, if you let more Garbage Trucks "through you?

It is alleged that you will be happy. Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so .. Love people who treat you well. And forget about the things people who do not behave well to you. ( @Ros) @abrar2009


Dawn said... @ 8:36 AM

Thanks for posting this great story! My name is Dawn, and I work with David J. Pollay, the author of The Law of the Garbage Truck™ - Beware of Garbage Trucks™! I just wanted to stop by and let you know that you can read the original story on David’s blog davidjpollay.typepad.com. I know he’d love to have you stop by!

Also check out the video of people in New York City taking the No Garbage Trucks!™ Pledge: bewareofgarbagetrucks.com. It’s pretty cool.

Thanks again!



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