Leakage of oil in the sea and the land is often happens with the various levels of pollution. This is often due to leakage from the spillage of oil tankers and offshore drilling. According to statistics the U.S. patrol the beach in 1990, the source of marine pollution divided into 5 categories, namely as much as 52% are from urban waste out, 19% came from the filth of the world indutri oil, 2% came from the exploration and production of oil, 5% come of marine accidents including spillage ship tankers, and the remaining 22% comes from the hydrocarbons to be merged atmospfer the ocean by air particles and hujan.Salah one effective method to detect leaks in oil is to utilize remote sensing technology (remote sensing) and models geographic information system (GIS). Remote sensing applications and GIS data is using satellite imagery (satellite imagery) both resulting from active sensors (RADARSAT, Envisar, SAR, ers) and multispektral passive sensors (Landsat TM, SPOT-XS, Terra Aster, MODIS, ALOS, AVIRIS).Changes in surface sea water due to leakage of oil can be arrested either by the satellite sensor is to change the value of reflective material. Differences in emission energy and water clear enough oil to cause the detective not only be done with a simple image processing with the color looks but also with a sharp analysis to detect the direction of movement, pace and volume of oil spillage. Technology, satellite imagery has grown rapidly along with the progress of computer technology which has been equipped with sensors that are placed on the canal (bands) to capture specific objects in accordance with the surface of the earth's energy level, such as infrared rays with the sensor (infrared) and rays appear (visible) which is very good in detecting the more the dark layer of oil, and sensor-ray radio (microwave), which is very good in detecting the existence and direction of flow of oil.
With the GIS model in which all aspects that will always be placed in accordance with the position coordinates to the earth in space (spatial approach), oil leakage phenomenon can be made in a system of assessment of information leakage of oil (oil spill risk assessment system) approach with real-time and low cost the system more effective and efficient in cost and care. System model using this approach, a GIS subsystem detective and monitoring the spatial, subsystem spatial database (spatial database) subsystem and the input and assessment (assessment). This system can integrate different types of data and information that supports the monitoring of oil leakage is equipped with the analysis and visualization hasi the variatif form a map, pictures, graphics and tabulation. Oleh:IksalYanuarsyah, MSc
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