At this time, I tried to take the time to share the post "Prostration" in connection with the email I received, transfers from the colleague Mr. Ros. Where is he sending the presentation file (. Pps) as the frame under this article. In this case, I respond to any posts from the last presentation, which combined with the knowledge of islam I receive from the teachers of Islam, also articles on the internet, any posts about the responses:

“We do not prostrate to discharge the electromagnetic waves, but to obey the Almighty Allah! We trust that in His commands, there is always a wisdom! Our trust is because He is the Creator, He knows everything! However, since a scientific reason is available, it was essential to show it to the people so that they can see that whatever Muslims do, is good for them!

One of the snippets from the sermon Rasulallah when the Ramadan holy month, "shoulder-shoulder you have bear the weight of 'burden' (sins). So the burden is easy, Prostration with a long time (in every prayer) you. " Prostration of a servant in the Lord is the symbol of obedience or adherence to the slave at the creator. In Hadist Rasulallah said: "There is no medium of communication in a primary approach for themselves a slave to the creator, but prostrate before Him." Surah al A'lâ, Allah SWT said :

سَبِّحِ اسْمَ رَبِّكَ اْلأَعْلَى Which means: "clean the name of thy Lord the Most High."

So instantly Rasulullah SAW. ordered while the friend said: "Make reading in prostration you,
That is: سُبْحَانَ رَبِّيَ اْلأَعْلَى

Furthermore, the opinion among many sects, such as: asy-Syafi'iyyah, al Malikiyyah, al-Hanabilah and others. In addition to history mentioned earlier, there is also a history which suggests for every Muslim who is conducting prayers, the prayers that fardhu or sunah "To have read the prayer" in a prostrate position. In addition there is also speech of the Prophet SAW. such as Abdullah bin Mas'ud ra. memutlakkan the prayer in the Prayer. Diriwayatkan by Amer bin Dinar, said Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud ra.: أَحْمِلُوْا حَوَائِجَكُمْ عَلَى الْمَكْتُوْبَةِ Which means: "Insert all application needs for day-in day (prayer) on the compulsory prayer."

Evidence suggests Pray WHEN THE PROSTRATION

Many of the Hadith of the Prophet saw. which allows even recommend to the Companions of the Prophet in particular, and Muslims in general in order to read the prayer when the prostration in which the Prophet saw. itself also continues to do so. Abdullah bin Abbas Ra., That the Prophet SAW. said: عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسِ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنٍهُمَا قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُوْلُ اللَّهِ (ص):
اَلاَ وَ إِنِّيْ نُهِيْتُ أَنْ أَقْرَأَ اْلقُرْآنَ رَاكِعًا أَوْ سَاجِدًا، فَأَمَّا الرُّكُوْعُ فَعَظِّمُوْا فِيْهِ الرَّبَّ، وَ أَمَّا السُّجُوْدُ فَاجْتَهِدُوْا فيِ الدُّعَاءِ، فَقَمِنٌ أَنْ يُسْتَجَابُ لَكُمْ.
"I am forbidden to read verses of the Qur'an in ruku 'and prostration, therefore if you are carrying ruku' (in the prayer), the name of thy Lord magnify, and if you're carrying bow down, then try (with a flat-out that have) read the prayer, then eligible for Allah SWT to grant the request. "

This is the prohibition before the ban that does not encourage reading verses of the Qur'an in such a position (but there are also opinions from some scholars in the tabi'in that allow it). However the prohibition does not include retroactive verses there is lots of prayer in the Qur'an, such as for example: رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَ فِي اْلآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَ قِنَا عَذَابَ النَّار "Lord, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and guard us from the torment of hell."

other examples:
رَبِّ اجْعَلْنِيْ مُقِيْمَ الصَّلَوةِ وَ مِنْ ذُرِّيَّتِيْ رَبَّنَا وَتَقَبَّلْ دُعَآءِ رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لِيْ وَ لِوَالِدَيَّ وَ لِلْمُؤْمِنِيْنَ يَوْمَ يَقُوْمُ الْحِسَابُ "Lord, make me and the sons of those who keep up prayers, Our Lord, perkenankanlah prayer. Our Lord, forgive me and to my father and mother of two all believers on the day of a reckoning (the Day of Resurrection). "

history in Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal:
اَلاَ وَ إِنِّيْ نُهِيْتُ أَنْ أَقْرَأَ اْلقُرْآنَ رَاكِعًا أَوْ سَاجِدًا فَأَمَّا الرُّكُوْعُ فَعَظِّمُوْا فِيْهِ الرَّبَّ، وَ أَمَّا السُّجُوْدُ فَاجْتَهِدُوْا فيِ الْمَسْأَلَةِ، فَقَمِنٌ أَنْ يُسْتَجَابُ لَكُمْ
"I am forbidden to read verses of the Qur'an in ruku 'and prostration, therefore if you are carrying ruku' (in the prayer), the name of thy Lord magnify, and if you're carrying bow down, then tried (with a flat-out) in order to propagate requests, then Allah SWT for in the grant request. "

the other in history: وَ إِذَا رَكَعْتُمْ فَعَظِّمُوْا اللَّهَ وَ إِذَا سَجَدْتُمْ فَادْعُوْا، فَقَمِنٌ... إلخ
"And when you're ruku 'magnify the Lord and if you bow down and pray, then ..." and so on.

In the book Tsawabul 'Charity, said Imam Ali ar Ridha as. "Proximity distance between a servant with a servant of the Lord when in the position of prostration", and that is the word of God in the Qur'an: وَ اسْجُدْ وَ اقْتَرِبْ "And the prostration and closer (to the souls of your Lord)."

History is almost the same in Shahih Muslim, such as the Messenger of Allah. He said: "Nearly the distance between a servant to the Lord, that is when the servant's position in the bow, then pray in a position to do prostration, the prayer is read by Allah SWT is granted."

After reading and studying and weighing of the Hadith-Hadith and the history-the history, I conclude that while praying in prostration is a way that is very qualified and effect and the extraordinary potential of the prayer is so granted by Allah SWT, such as what is said by the Hadith-Hadith past.

Insyaallah, after knowing all this, we will create more trust and confidence increase, and our faith to be more solid, more solid and serious, more solemn and devout in prayer, to be able to meet one of the requirements in prayer and ask Allah SWT. Which in the end, and every prayer request that we would want, and hopefully he will be granted. Terimakasih.. @Abrar2009


As you request Abdulsalam, I post poto-poto my children on this blog for so memorable.



Transient Pressure BuildUp Analysis (Oilwell)
Pressure buildup (PBU) survey involves measuring the changes in wellbore pressure with time after a well has been shut in. PBU requires that the well produce at a stabilized rate before shut-in. The PBU equation introduced by Horner is given by:



where pws = sandface pressure, psig pi = initial reservoir pressure, psig Qo = stabilized oil rate, STB/day μo = oil viscosity, cp Bo = formation volume factor, rB/STB k = permeability of formation rock, mD h = formation thickness, ft tp = flowing time before shut-in, hr Δt = shut-in time, hr.
A plot of pws versus (tp+Δt)/Δt would ideally produce a straight line with an intercept at pi (or p*) and a slope of ,strong>-m. This plot is known as the Horner plot, a semi-log plot. In practice, there is a deviation from a straight line in the initial section of the plot due to skin and wellbore storage effects. The straightline portion of the plot can be graphically identified by interactively ignoring a number of early plot points and performing a straightline fit on the rest.
When a satisfactory straight line is obtained, the initial reservoir pressure pi is estimated by extrapolation to the pressure corresponding to (tp+Δt)/Δt = 1. That is, the extrapolated pressure (p*) = (pi) for an infinite reservoir or for wells tested early in the life of the reservoir.
Another pressure point of importance on the fitted straightline is the pressure corresponding to Δt = 1 hour. Also computed is the slope (m) of the straight line in units of psi/log cycle.
Finally, the permeability of the formation (k) and the skin factor (s) can be calculated according to the relationships:

where m = slope of semi-log straight line, psi/log10cycle p1hr = pressure at time 1-hour on semi-log straight line, psig pwf(Δt=0) = sandface pressure immediately prior to shut-in, psig ct = total compressibility coefficient, 1/psi


◊ Use link

EXAMPLE Of Input/Output to demo data entry expectations and results; you may edit & use it as starting point

◊ Between 15 to 30 measurements points may be entered

◊ Up to 11 points may be ingored in the staright-line fitting process

◊ If the required Java plug-in not installed on your computer, an auto-download of this plug-in will be initiated before the plot is displayed.

Dake L.P.; Fundamentals Of Reservoir Engineering; Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co., Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1978.
Horne R.N.; Modern Well Test Analysis - A Computer-Aided Approach; Petroway Inc., Palo Alto, California, 1995.
Earlougher R; Advanced Well Test Analysis; Monograph Series Vol 5, SPE, Dallas, 1977.
Kansas Geological Survey, Oil & Gas Information, Gemini Project, Lawrence, Kansas, 2002.

Recreated by @Abrar2009

Use link:

* Effect of Oil Production Rate

* Science Direct Journal

* Haliburton Public Data

* Petroleum Engineering Calculator



A motor and gearbox supply power to turn the power shaft. There is a counterweight at the end of the crank. A pitman arm is attached to the crank and it moves upward when the crank moves counterclockwise. The Samson arms support the walking beam. The walking beam pivots and lowers or raises the plunger. The rod attaches the plunger to the horsehead. The horsehead (not rigidly attached) allows the joint (where rod is attached) to move in a vertical path instead of following an arc. Every time the plunger rises, oil is pumped out through a spout. The pump consits of a four bar linkage is comprised of the crank, the pitman arm, the walking beam, and the ground.


Here the plunger is shown at its lowest position. The pitman arm and the crank are in-line. The maximum pumping angle, denoted as theta in the calculations, is shown. L is the stroke length. After one stroke, the plunger moves upward by one stroke length and the walking beam pivots. The crank also rotates counterclockwise. At the end of the upstroke the pitman arm, the crank, and the walking beam are in-line.

For name and location of parts, see Figure A.
A motor supplies power to a gear box. A gearbox reduces the angular velocity and increases the torque relative to this input.
As shown in Figure B, (the crank turns counterclockwise) and lifts the counterweight. Since the crank is connected to the walking beam via the pitman arm, the beam pivots and submerges the plunger. Figure B also shows the horsehead at its lowest position. This marks the end of the down stroke. Note that the crank and the pitman arm are in-line at this position.
The upstroke raises the horsehead and the plunger, along with the fluid being pumped. The upstroke begins at the point shown in Figure B. At the end of the upstroke, all joints are in-line. This geometric constraint determines the length of the pitman arn.
Figures C(a) and C(b) show the plunger and ball valves in more detail. These valves are opened by fluid flow alone. On the upstroke, the riding valve is closed and the standing valve is open. Fluid above and within the plunger is lifted out of the casing while more fluid is pumped into the well. On the down stroke, the riding valve is opened and the standing valve is closed. Fluid flows into the plunger and no fluid is allowed to leave the well. [More Detail..]

Use link:
* Animate Softwere
* Oil Glosary Schlumberger
* Pump Accessories


Some time ago the case of men, appear to kill his wife because the wife to change the status in Facebook to be single. Other cases, although not extreme, can appear at any time because the only kind of networking site Facebook. So, how to minimize this happen? Some of the 'ethics' of Facebook impressions of MSNBC cited below may be useful for you.

1. Your relationship status is paired with the decision. Do not ever change your relationship status, if not based on an agreement between you and your partner. Many cases occur due to bad someone unilaterally change the status. Do not forget, your friends or your friend can check it quickly.

2. Make friends with the friend of a friend you are, there is ethics.
When you want to be friends with your friends in Facebook, do not forget that the existence of your friend here as a 'relational'. Say from who you know their profile. You would not suspect as sales is not it?

3. Ready when are with someone who was dating with you.
Before you do, you are better prepared mentally first. Some states that he can write so make you jealous. It takes maturity to do this. However, if you do not get dizzy, do it.

4. Do not meet the profile with photos, video, and comments related to your relationship collapse. This is likely to be inappropriate in Facebook. If you want to ask for sympathy, call your friend, do not ask the people in the virtual world, especially in Facebook that are accessed by many people. You can even make fun of.

5. Do not open and foreverglo secret in Facebook.
If you want to foreverglo and the like, you better not do it in Facebook. Use any e-mail, phone, or do while eating with your friends for example. Many other facilities is not it? You certainly do not want to know your secret by the person who is not responsible.

6. Identify the difference between the Wall and Message. A statement that the personal relationship you should not need the exposure too. Sentences like "I luv u soo much .. I baaabyy Can not wait too see 2neit", may be more appropriate if the message is written.

7. Never Make False profile.
Perhaps the most traffic in your mind to create a false former girlfriend who has hurt you. Then, you post things on it. Of course, never really do this. If you are out of action, people were even able to give a negative stamp on you.

The idea is not too much information about you is especially personal. You will never know what can happen to the future. Remember, even though the virtual world still full of fun and also risk the evil.

Hopefully the fun, the pro-Facebook. @abrar2009


Coutsonif.A virus attacks that threaten the user's Yahoo Messenger and Skype should be wary. This virus spreads by sending itself to all contacts in the address of the application from the infected computer.
Message at a glance like a message in general. But do not click the link to a given, though sent by your friend. The message was not sent by your colleagues, but by a successful virus infected to computer your colleagues.

Well, if already infected, then it will automatically create a random file name with the extension. Tmp and. Exe that will be stored in the directory [C: \ Documents and Settings \% username% \ Local Settings \ Temp] with the name of the different .
If you are like this, the user can only submission, and not quietly pro-activity on the internet again. Moreover, can-do reputation is damaged because of allegedly spreading the virus as well. For the friends of the recipient of a suspect who deliberately harm themselves with sending the virus.
So, before the incident occurred. There are 6 well you see how right to eradicate destructive virus that attacks the good name of a chat application such as this is written by Vaksincom:

1. Disable 'System Restore' during the cleaning process.
2. Disable Windows autorun, so the virus can not be activated automatically when the access to the drive / flash disk.

* Click the 'start'
* Click 'run'
* Type 'GPEDIT.MSC', without quotes. Then the screen will display 'Group Policy'
* In the 'Computer Configuration and User Configuration,' click 'Administrative templates'
* Click the 'System'
* Right click on 'Turn On Autoplay', select 'Properties'. Then the screen will appear 'on Tun Autoplay propeties'
* In the tabulation 'Settings', select' Enabled ' * In the 'Tun off Autoplay on' select 'All drives'
* Click 'Ok'

3. Turn off the virus, use the tools' security task manager 'and delete the file [sysmgr.exe, vshost.exe, winservices.exe, *. tmp] Just a note,. Tmp files that have indicated an extension TMP [example: 5755.tmp]. Right-click on the file and select 'Remove', select the option 'Move files to Quarantine.

4. Repair registry that has been modified by the virus. To speed up the process of elimination, please copy the script below on the notepad program and save it with the name repair.inf. Run the file in the following manner: repair.inf Right-click, and select install.

[Version]Signature="$Chicago$"Provider=Vaksincom Oyee[DefaultInstall]AddReg=UnhookRegKeyDelReg=del[UnhookRegKey]HKLM, Software\CLASSES\batfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"HKLM, Software\CLASSES\comfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"HKLM, Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"HKLM, Software\CLASSES\piffile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"HKLM, Software\CLASSES\regfile\shell\open\command,,,"regedit.exe "%1""HKLM, Software\CLASSES\scrfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, Shell,0, "Explorer.exe"HKCU, SessionInformation, ProgramCount, 0x00010001,3HKCU, AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\Explorer\BlockedPopup\.current,,,"C:\WINDOWS\media\Windows XP Pop-up Blocked.wav"HKCU, AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\Explorer\EmptyRecycleBin\.Current,,,"C:\Windows\media\Windows XP Recycle.wav"HKCU, AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\Explorer\Navigating\.Current,,,"C:\Windows\media\Windows XP Start.wav"HKCU, AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\Explorer\SecurityBand\.current,,,"C:\WINDOWS\media\Windows XP Information Bar.wav"[del]HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, Microsoft(R) System Manager HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, bMaxUserPortWindows Service help HKLM, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters, MaxUserPort5. Hapus file virus berikut:C:\vshost.exe [all drive]C:\autorun.inf [all drive]C:\RECYCLER\S-1-5-21-9949614401-9544371273-983011715-7040\winservices.exeC:\Documents and Settings\%user%\Local Settings\TempA415.tmp [acak]034.exe [acak]Lady_Eats_Her_Shit--www.youtube.comC:\WINDOWS\system32\sysmgr.exeC:\WINDOWS\TEMP\5755.tmpC:\windows\system32\crypts.dllC:\windows\system32\msvcrt2.dll

6. For optimal cleaning and prevent re-infection, please use the antivirus can detect and eradicate this virus up to date. You can also download tools in Norman Malware Cleaner

Hopefully Success. @abrar2009


Not all antivirus programs can clean up files that have been infected with the virus W32/Sality.AE. Even possible, it will be broken after the scan and cleaned by antivirus that is not appropriate. Sality virus will spread quickly through a network share using the default Windows folder or share, which has full access to the way the infection files have the extension exe / com / scr.Therefore, the security company Vaksincom suggest that computer users to turn off the Default Share (C$, D$.. ff), and avoid full folder sharing on your network. Next, 9 short way to clean the virus W32/Sality.AE received from analysts detikINET virus Vaksincom.

1. Disconnect the computer that will be cleared from the network and the Internet.

2. Turn off System Restore during the cleaning process takes place.

3. Turn off Autorun and Default Share. Please download the file and run the following ways: right-click install repair.inf ago.

4. Turn off the application programs active in memory, so that the cleaning process faster, especially programs that are in the startup list.

5. We recommend using a scan removal tools, with the first extension of the removal tools with an extension other [for example: CMD], so that does not diinfeksi back by W32/Sality.AE.

6. Computers that are infected that booting W32/Sality.AE safe mode, please restore the registry has been modified by the virus.
Please download the following files and then run on the OS that is infected W32/Sality.AE.

7. Fix registry is modified by another virus, please download the following tools and run the file in the following manner: right-click install repair.inf ago

8. Restart the computer and re-scanned using the removal tools to ensure your computer has been clean from viruses.

9. For optimal cleaning and prevent re-infection should install and scan with the antivirus can detect Sality well.

Hopefully helpful. colected @abrar2009


PIF Virus / Starter or a virus known as the shortcut to make the victim of sorts with lots of shortcuts made by the virus. The difficulty, how to handle the virus if it is not right then it will come back, again and again.
Therefore, follow the right way 7 of the virus analyst Vaksincom MG Lat shortcut to stop the flooding caused by this virus:

1. Previous first turn off system restore process.
2. Turn off the process of Wscript file located in C: \ Windows \ System32, by using tools such as CProcess, HijackThis or can also use the Task Manager of Windows.

3. Once off the process of Wscript, we need to remove or change the name of (rename) from the file, while not to be used by the virus.
As a note, if we change the file name of the file Wscript.exe with automatic, it will be copied again in the folder. Therefore, we must find where the file Wscript.exe the other, usually in C:\Windows\$ NtServicePackUninstall $, C:\ Windows\ServicePackFiles\i386.
No virus-like virus vbs other, we can change the "Open With" from the vbs file into Notepad, Extension virus is "mdb", which means that the Microsoft Access file. So Wscript will run the file DATABASE.MDB as though he is a vbs file.

4. Delete the files in the parent C:\Documents and Settings\\My Documents\database.mdb, so that every time the computer will not run load the file. And do not forget we are also open msconfig, disable the run command.

5. Now we will delete the files Autorun.INF. Microsoft.INF and Thumb.db. How, click the START button, type CMD, moved to the drive to be cleaned, for example, drive C:\, then we should do is:

Type C:\del Microsoft.inf /s, this command will delete all files in all microsoft.inf folder on drive C:. While the move would drive live just replaced the name drivenya example: D:\del Microsoft.inf /s.
For the autorun.inf file, type C:\autorun.inf del /s /ah /f, the command will delete the file autorun.inf (syntax /ah /f) is used because the file using the attrib RSHA, as well as to file Thumb.db also do the same.

6. For a delete files earlier than 4, we must find ways to search files with the extension .lnk size 1kb. In the 'More advanced options' option make sure that' Search system folders' and 'Search hidden files and folders' both are checked.
Please be careful, not all the shortcut files /LNK file size of 1 kb that is a virus, we can distinguish them from icons, size and type. To create a shortcut icon for the virus using icon 'folder', and the size of 1 kb type 'shortcut'. While the correct folder should not have 'size' and the type is' File Folder'.

7. Fix the registry is modified by the virus. To speed up the process of repair registry copy the script below on the program 'notepad' and save it with the name 'Repair.inf'. Run the file in the following manner:
Click right repair.inf and Click Install.

[Version]Signature="$Chicago$"Provider=Vaksincom Oyee[DefaultInstall]AddReg=UnhookRegKeyDelReg=del[UnhookRegKey]HKLM, Software\CLASSES\batfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"HKLM, Software\CLASSES\comfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"HKLM, Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"HKLM, Software\CLASSES\piffile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"HKLM, Software\CLASSES\regfile\shell\open\command,,,"regedit.exe "%1""HKLM, Software\CLASSES\scrfile\shell\open\command,,,"""%1"" %*"HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, Shell,0, "Explorer.exe"HKLM, SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SafeBoot, AlternateShell,0, "cmd.exe"HKLM, SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Control\SafeBoot, AlternateShell,0, "cmd.exe"[del]HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, WinupdateHKCU,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, explorer.

Colected @abrar2009


How often do you let other people change your mood?

Do you let the driver bemo frivolous, servant of coarse, bunch of emotions, or work colleagues who do have a certain --- the heart? Except what your robot is, perhaps without realizing you often reply to curse / rebuke them.

"However, typical of the success is how quickly he can return her focus on what is important."

Six years ago, I learned this lesson.
I learned on the back of the taxi from New York. This happens. I jump into a taxi, and we depart from Grand Central Station. We drive on the right path, But all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of the parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver directly menghentak brakes to stop suddenly, slipped a little bit and almost hit / hit by another car (live only a few inch). Ukhh ...

Driving the other car (before the accident that almost caused big) head out from the car and started shouting abusive words at us. My taxi driver just smiled and wave (with a slowly) to the line. I think, supirku this people-friendly. So, I said, "Why did you do that? The earlier damage almost mobilmu and woe, and we almost enter hospital because of him!" And this is a taxi driver told me (see below) --- which I then used as the "Law of The Garbage Truck." ( "Trucks Waste Law")

Many people like garbage trucks. They run with full garbage, full of frustrating, full of anger, and full of disappointment. And when the trash-heap garbage they start, they need a place to remove them. And if you let them, they will dump garbage in-garbage to you. If someone want to throw garbage on you, not captured the hearts (not stored in the liver). You only need to smile, wave, and hope they recover quickly (improved), and you continue your work. Your heart will be happy to do so after.

So as this: "The Law of Garbage Truck" ( "Trash Trucks Law"). I started thinking, how often I leave the "Trash Trucks" affect me? And how often I take their garbage and spread it to other people in the workplace / house / street? I also promised, "I will not do it again." I began to see the "garbage truck".

As in the movie "The Sixth Sense," page a small child said, "I see Dead People." Well, now "I see Garbage Trucks." I see they are carrying the burden. I see them come to menumpahkannya. Taxi drivers and the like before, I will not enter to the heart (I do not make it a personal thing), I will just smile, wave, hoping they can recover quickly (improved), and I still continue working.

One of the favorite football players (Walter Payton) to do this every day on the football field. He will jump up as soon as he was urged to go after the land / tackled. He never remain silent in the land to be stricken by the others. Payton was ready to do their best for the next action.

A good leader - know they must be ready for the next meeting .. .
All parents know that they should welcome the children (who will return home schools) with a hug and kiss. Leaders and parents know that they must actually be present, and at the best for the people they care about.

People who work, never leave the "Trash Trucks" took over them. What about you? What will happen in your life, starting today, if you let more Garbage Trucks "through you?

It is alleged that you will be happy. Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so .. Love people who treat you well. And forget about the things people who do not behave well to you. ( @Ros) @abrar2009


As business owners and/or marketers, we're all under pressure to cut costs. Unfortunately, many business owners get so intent on reducing costs, they lose sight of what it's going to do to the business. It's hard to grow - or even survive - if you don't have any customers.
Reducing marketing costs without screwing up your ability to grow is easier than you might think.
Here are five ways to do that.

1. Eliminate waste
Over the years I've looked at hundreds of marketing programs, and I can tell you honestly that nearly all of them have some kind of hole that either drains money directly or allows leads to be lost.
Before you cut anything, take a good hard look at what you're doing. Are there programs that aren't delivering the results you anticipated? Fix them or get rid of them. Is there anything that can't be traced to increasing sales opportunities? Unless you have a pile of extra money, now is not the time to be spending money on marketing efforts that don't generate more leads or develop the ones you have.

2. Make fewer mistakes
Another way to say this is: turn to people who know what they're doing.
Marketing - which has never been exactly simple - has changed a lot in the past few years. Customers and prospects are in charge now, and they're looking for you online. If you're not on the internet, you're not in the game.
While I admire business owners who try to figure marketing out for themselves, it wastes a lot of time and it leads to mistakes that could be avoided with some experience.
You may not need a proven marketing pro on staff, but if you don't have one somewhere on your team you're probably wasting money.

3. Nurture what you've got
Successful lead generation programs bring in people in different stages of the buying process. Some are ready to commit more to you than others are. Some are ready to talk to a sales person and some aren't.
Think of any lead generation activity you've ever done: search marketing, email, advertising, telemarketing, networking, trade shows - it doesn't matter. Were all of the people who responded ready to schedule a two-hour demo of your product? Of course not.
But that doesn't make those people any less likely to buy from you in the future as long as you maintain a relationship with them.
If you're one of those businesses that has a bunch of inactive prospects sitting in a database (or on your desk), you may be better off nurturing those people than paying to find new ones. And nurturing leads can be a lot less expensive than generating them in the first place.

4. Increase conversions - not just inbound leads or traffic
This point is similar to the one above it, but it's important enough to look at from a different angle.
Let's say you have 2000 visitors a month going to your website and 60% of them leave your homepage without going anywhere else. Which do you think would be cheaper, changing your website so that an additional 20% (400 visitors) stay on your site or doubling traffic to the site? The results are the same.
(Hint: if you picked the first option, you're right).
Complex purchases - such as technology, high ticket goods, and on-going services - are made up of many different conversion points where the buyer decides whether or not to spend any more time with you. Each of those conversion points can be tweaked to pass more prospects through and provide a better return on your investment.

5. Consider outsourcing
To have a successful marketing program today requires skills in multiple disciplines - some of which didn't even exist a decade or so ago. For example, you need:
Website strategy and development, search engine optimization, paid search marketing, prospect conversion optimization, lead nurturing and web marketing - just to name a few.
Staffing an in-house team with all of this expertise would cost more than most small to mid-sized businesses are willing or able to invest. Yet you can easily - and cost effectively - get this expertise from an outside firm or group of individuals.

It's worth looking into. @abrar2009


Determining of reservoir characteristics is parameter that needed in reservoir description. One of method to know reservoir characterisctics is Pressure Transient Analysis that is called Pressure Build-up Test. This method is based on superposition principle where need a simplified production rate and production time. Parameter of characteristics on Pressure Transient Analysis can be observed from horner plot, semi-log plot, derivative pressure and type curve matching. It is supported by geological, petrophysics, laboratorium and logging data. Parameters that can be known from Pressure Build-up test are permeability reservoir, skin, wellbore storage, reservoir aspect (model), boundary, average pressure (finite acting). To get the best result which representate reservoir condition,so it's proven by making hipotetic reservoir model as bounded (closed) reservoir.

Result of this analysis well testing shows that when pressure build-up test is tested without produce in constant rate before the test, so recomanded production rate which is most appropriate with reservoir condition is values of last rate production (qlast). Using (qlast) on production time equivalent can be applied because it produces same values. However, if We use all modified (multiple) rate, results will produce the values that is not appropriate with reservoir condition. If we test by producing on constant rate before the test, so recomanded production time is from the beginning of production not only from time of last constant rate. If we test by closing the well and produce on constant rate before the test, so recomanded production time is only since time of constant rate condition, not from the beginning of production. Wrong using of production rate and production time will produce different interpretation. more detail..
colected @abrar2009


What this name animals besides..?

Hehehe.. he is the history of the world for offshore oil & gas industry in Indonesian, Why? Concrete Barge, and the first LPG lifting conducted at the offshore is He "Ardjuna Sakti" which was born in 1975.

She's moored at the ONWJ (Offshore North West Java) SBM-5 Ardjuna Terminal.

But now somehow fate, because age is eaten accidentally go. if you want to know more can visit the Concrete Technology Corporation. Created by @abrar2009
Use link:
Large Floating Concrete LNG/LPG Offshore Platforms
Single Bouy Mooring
FPSO Brochure 0507


Ok do not worry .. If you have data in the format, or accidentally supplied preformatted, it can restore the software using the "get data back". Insyallah, your data will be back on God's permission ..:) if I want to download its software Click Here....... if you can not run the software you can send or fill out comment sheets.
Good luck.


Definition of Web Proxy
Anonymous free web proxy can be used to access the website in the block, or in the filter and can also be used to improve security in your website. Web proxy can be used directly without the need to install any software on your computer, needed by the web proxy is just a browser and Internet connection. You can access the site easily on the block.

What can be done by the Web Proxy?
Web proxy can hide your ip address. Web Proxy can use to access the website in the block by the ISP or organization. Web proxy can improve the security of your privacy. Web Proxy able to filter cookies that do not want and all the cookies stored on encrypt. Web Proxy can be used easily without the need to set up or install any program on your computer, you need only a browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc.).


Linux Mikrotik artificial "Latvian State" is also support for proxy web server with a few to a few configuration items scription or by using the "Winbox tools." Especially if you use a PC as a Server, Memory is supported with adequate RAM and hard drive capacity is enough, it can save web cache memory that is big enough. This is sufficient to efficient usage bendwidth the Internet to reach 20 - 60%.

Mikrotik PC experience from the server that I have, with 512 Mb RAM memory and 20 GB hard drive, is able to reduce the internet bandwidth to achieve> 30% every day. This is quite beneficial and alleviate trafic internet on our local network. How Web Proxy calculation formula has been discussed in previous posts. As for how to set up as active for Mikrotik Web Proxy Server is as follows:

[admin@Mik] > /ip proxy set enabled=yes
[admin@Mik] > /ip web-proxy set cache-administrator= oracle.net
[admin@Mik] > /ip web-proxy print
enabled: yes
port: terserah.. kamu cth (3128)
hostname: "proxy"
transparent-proxy: yes
cache-administrator: "email@proxy"
max-object-size: 8192 KiB
cache-drive: system
max-ram-cache-size: unlimited
status: running
reserved-for-cache: 4733952KiB
reserved-for-ram-cache: 2048KiB

Made rule for transparent proxy at firewall NAT, is precisely the rule NAT masquerading:

[admin@Mik] > /ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat in-interface=local src-address= protocol=tcp dst-port=80 action=redirect to-ports=erserah.. kamu cth (3128)
[admin@Mik] > /ip firewall nat print
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic0 chain=srcnat out-interface=public action=masquerade1 chain=dstnat in-interface=local src-address= protocol=tcp dst-port=80 action=redirect to-ports=3128

Finaly, Do not forget to go to Mikrotik's winbox go to ip--> web proxy .. so Click "box" transparent status.
Be nice work.. @abrar2009
use link:
* Mikrotik Latvia
* Mikrotik Id
* Wiki Mikrotik


First, the proxy settings in the first Mikrotik his post as before, (see previous article on how to configure a transparent proxy) after successfully add the script below:

/ip web-proxy access add url=”http*youtube*get_video*” action=allow comment=”youtube” disabled=no

semoga berhasil

Please Read the link
* Last Posting Web Proxy Configure
* Mikrotik Forum
* Video Cache Server
* Mikrotik Id