Hello all, last month I have been successfully tried Schema of "" 20 A,,, 0 - 28 Volt Regulated Power Supply "" I get from the internet.

Why do I make this? tool is deliberately made to Supply Power Access Point equipment operated at home. But have a voltage drop problem in conector on the plane in relation to the length of cable that is used + / - 25 meter.

So the idea is obtained from a get-to "uncle google" and try it. Alhamdulillah, successfully and easily can regulate 0-20 Volt-only, because I use a Transformer has 0-20 5A secondary, but there is no obstacle to this. Please try it like that, to be Fair and reduce operating costs.

Components that are used as under:
2 x 15 volt 20+- amps
D1...D4= Bridge rectifier MB2504 (25 amps cooled)
or eight BYW29 8 amp diodes (TO220 pinning cooled)
or 8 x MR750 (MR7510) diodes (MR750 = 6 Ampere diode) or 16 x 1N5401 (1N5408) diodes.
F1 = 2 Amp
F2 = 25 amp
R1 2k2 2,5 Watt
R2 240 ohm
R3,R4,R5,R6 0.1 ohm 10 watt
R7 6k8
R8 10k
R9 47 Ohm 1 watt
S2 mini switch
R10 8k2
C1,C7,C9 47nFC2 four times 4700uF/50v or one 22000uF/50v
C3,C5 10uF/50v
C4,C6,C9 100nF
C8 330uF/50v
C10 1uF/16v
D5 1N4151
D6 1N5401
D10 MR750
D7, D8, D9 1N4001
IC1 LM317
Two 2N3055 transistors
P1 5k
P3 10k trimmerrelay = 30 volts AC, 2x10 amp switching

Tips: Pray before work, and do not forget to prepare a cup of coffee and friedfood, I hope you succeed. @Abrar2009


Anonymous said... @ 12:40 AM

Selamat Mencoba

Anonymous said... @ 7:13 PM

Mas, Schemanya aku sedot yaa.
Thanks Mas..

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